Thursday, November 14, 2013

Big Brother 15′s Elissa Slater & Howard Overby On ‘The Bold & The Beautiful’ – Picture Gallery

Big Brother former Houseguests Elissa Slater and Howard Overby made their big debuts this afternoon on CBS’s soap “The Bold & The Beautiful.” Both were small parts, but great opportunities for both of BB15′s HGs.
Elissa played a hostess, appropriately named “Elissa” who chats with one of the series’s regulars, Hope. There were even a few Big Brother references tossed out in their conversation for secret enjoyment by Big Brother fans. When asked where she had been Elissa said she had been away on “jury duty.” Hope said it was good to have their “MVP” back. We even get a line from Rachel that they’ll need to get “The Exterminators” to deal with an ant problem. That’s pretty much a two-for considering Big Brother’s frequent ant invasions each summer.
Howard was on the show as, you guessed it, “Howard,” a local karaoke DJ. A few of the cast regulars had brought some international visitors who were big karaoke fans so we get a few shots of Howard helping out some flailing singers. Howard even got a few lines talking to Hope and Wyatt and he does a great job. Sorry, Brendon, but Howard outdid you there in your scenes.
What did you think of Elissa and Howard on “The Bold & The Beautiful” today? They’ll be back tomorrow (Friday, October 25th) for more and then you can catch more of Elissa in a follow-up appearance with her sister Rachel next Wednesday and Thursday.
Check out pictures of Elissa and Howard from their scenes: ---> Click Here <---

Jeff & Jordan Travel To Australia Thanks To Ellen Show – See Their Pics

When I first heard Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd were traveling to Australia I figured this was another CBS adventure they were off enjoying. Turns out the Big Brother fan favorite couple was heading down under for pleasure but it wasn’t even on their dime!
Jeff and Jordan scored a pair of tickets to Australia earlier this year when The Ellen Show pulled an Oprah-style giveaway and handed every audience member a ticket on Qantas to the land of Vegemite. Here’s a pic of JeJo in the crowd. The couple had one year to trade in their tickets for a seat and this weekend they did just that. Lucky pair!
Jeff joked on Twitter, “put another shrimp on the barbie” as he prepared for their trip while Jordan announced on Twitter this Sunday:

Our first signs of safe arrival came earlier today when Jeff tweeted pictures of the couple at Sydney’s famous Opera House plus another shot of them at the Taronga zoo where they posed with a sleepy koala. Looks like they’re having fun!
Update: We’ve got more pics. Looks like they’re enjoying the Australian beaches!